Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Make Executable text file

Posted on 6:09 AM by Majid Chaudhry

As you know a file name .EXE is a Executable file and can run a code.

this guide will teach you how to make a .TXT Executable that can run any code you want..


download TXT Icon pack: http://planet.nana.co.il/progroup/icon_txt.zip -

The pack comes with a 32bit & 16bit icons.


Open a new file, Right click - New - Shortcut

Type the location of the item: "c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c file.txt" and name it "readme.txt"


after creating the readme.txt file right click on it and choose - Properties

in the - "Start in" fill - "%currentdir%" , in the - "Run" choose - "Minimized".

then change the icon with one of the TXT icons from the pack by right clicking the readme.txt file then - Properties - Change Icon...

STEP4: In order to execute a file you need one..

just change your Server/Virus extantion to .TXT and name it - "file.txt"

Now you have a .TXT Shortcut and .TXT Executable, when opening the txt shortcut it opens a command - "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c test.txt" that executes the file you want.

STEP5: Now the readme.txt executes a command window, in order to hide it Right click on the "readme.txt" and choose - Properties - Layout and reduced the size on the window to height=1 and width=1.

Now change the window position to height=999 and width=999.

Now you got a .TXT Executable!

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