Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is Trojan Horse :: Trojans :: Trojan war

Posted on 3:19 AM by Majid Chaudhry

Trojans all explained here

Trojan ( bad ) Beware !!

Trojan horse well this term has many meanings .

In the context of computer software, a Trojan horse is a malicious program that is disguised as or embedded within legitimate software. The term is derived from the classical myth of the Trojan Horse. They may look useful or interesting (or at the very least harmless) to an unsuspecting user, but are actually harmful when executed.

Often the term is shortened to simply Trojan, even though this turns the adjective into a noun, reversing the myth (Greeks were gaining malicious access, not Trojans).

There are two common types of Trojan horses.

One, is otherwise useful software that has been corrupted by a cracker inserting malicious code that executes while the program is used. Examples include various implementations of weather alerting programs, computer clock setting software, and peer to peer file sharing utilities.

The other type is a standalone program that masquerades as something else, like a game or image file, in order to trick the user into some misdirected complicity that is needed to carry out the program's objectives.

Trojan horse programs cannot operate autonomously, in contrast to some other types of malware, like viruses or worms. Just as the Greeks needed the Trojans to bring the horse inside for their plan to work, Trojan horse programs depend on actions by the intended victims. As such, if trojans replicate and even distribute themselves, each new victim must run the program/trojan. Therefore their virulence is of a different nature, depending on successful implementation of social engineering concepts rather than flaws in a computer system's security design or configuration. Definition

A Trojan horse program has a useful and desired function, or at least it has the appearance of having such. Trojans use false and fake names to trick users into dismissing the processes. These strategies are often collectively termed social engineering. In most cases the program performs other, undesired functions, but not always. The useful, or seemingly useful, functions serve as camouflage for these undesired functions. A trojan is designed to operate with functions unknown to the victim. The kind of undesired functions are not part of the definition of a Trojan Horse; they can be of any kind, but typically they have malicious intent.

In practice, Trojan Horses in the wild often contain spying functions (such as a packet sniffer) or backdoor functions that allow a computer, unknown to the owner, to be remotely controlled from the network, creating a "zombie computer". The Sony/BMG rootkit Trojan, distributed on millions of music CDs through 2005, did both of these things. Because Trojan horses often have these harmful behaviors, there often arises the misunderstanding that such functions define a Trojan Horse.

In the context of Computer Security, the term 'Trojan horse' was first used in a seminal report edited/written by JP Anderson (aka 'The Anderson Report' (Computer Security Technology Planning, Technical Report ESD-TR-73-51, USAF Electronic Sysstem Division, Hanscom AFB, Oct, 1972), which credits Daniel J Edwards then of NSA for both the coinage and the concept. One of the earliest known Trojans was a binary Trojan distributed in the binary Multics distribution; it was described by PA Karger and RR Schell in 1974 (Multics Security Evaluation, Technical Report ESD-TR-74-193 vol II, HQ Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom AFB, June 1974).

The basic difference from computer viruses is that a Trojan horse is technically a normal computer program and does not possess the means to spread itself. The earliest known Trojan horses were not designed to spread themselves. They relied on fooling people to allow the program to perform actions that they would otherwise not have voluntarily performed.

Trojans implementing backdoors typically setup a hidden server, from which a hacker with a client can then log on to. They have become polymorphic, process injecting, prevention disabling, easy to use without authorization, and therefore are abusive.

Trojans of recent times also come as computer worm payloads. It is important to note that the defining characteristics of Trojans are that they require some user interaction, and cannot function entirely on their own nor do they self-propagate/replicate.


Example of a simple Trojan horse

A simple example of a trojan horse would be a program named "waterfalls.scr.exe" claiming to be a free waterfall screensaver which, when run, instead begins erasing all the files on the computer.

Example of a somewhat advanced Trojan horse

On the Microsoft Windows platform, an attacker might attach a Trojan horse with an innocent-looking filename to an email message which entices the recipient into opening the file. The Trojan horse itself would typically be a Windows executable program file, and thus must have an executable filename extension such as .exe, .com, .scr, .bat, or .pif. Since Windows is sometimes configured by default to hide filename extensions from a user, the Trojan horse is an extension that might be "masked" by giving it a name such as 'Readme.txt.exe'. With file extensions hidden, the user would only see 'Readme.txt' and could mistake it for a harmless text file. Icons can also be chosen to imitate the icon associated with a different and benign program, or file type.

When the recipient double-clicks on the attachment, the Trojan horse might superficially do what the user expects it to do (open a text file, for example), so as to keep the victim unaware of its real, concealed, objectives. Meanwhile, it might discreetly modify or delete files, change the configuration of the computer, or even use the computer as a base from which to attack local or other networks - possibly joining many other similarly infected computers as part of a distributed denial-of-service attack. The Sony/BMG rootkit mentioned above both installed a vulnerability on victim computers, but also acted as spyware, reporting back to a central server from time to time, when any of the music CDs carrying it were played on a Windows computer system.

Types of Trojan horses

Trojan horses are almost always designed to do various harmful things, but could be harmless. Examples are

erasing or overwriting data on a computer.

encrypting files in a cryptoviral extortion attack.

corrupting files in a subtle way.

upload and download files.

allowing remote access to the victim's computer. This is called a RAT. (remote administration tool)

spreading other malware, such as viruses. In this case the Trojan horse is called a 'dropper' or 'vector'.

setting up networks of zombie computers in order to launch DDoS attacks or send spam.

spying on the user of a computer and covertly reporting data like browsing habits to other people (see the article on spyware).

make screenshots.

logging keystrokes to steal information such as passwords and credit card numbers (also known as a keylogger).

phish for bank or other account details, which can be used for criminal activities.

installing a backdoor on a computer system.

opening and closing CD-ROM tray

Time bombs and logic bombs

"Time bombs" and "logic bombs" are types of trojan horses.

"Time bombs" activate on particular dates and/or times. "Logic bombs" activate on certain conditions met by the computer.

Precautions against Trojan horses

Trojan horses can be protected against through end user awareness. Trojan Horse viruses can cause a great deal of damage to a personal computer but even more damaging is what they can do to a business, particularly a small business that usually does not have the same virus protection capabilities as a large business. Since a Trojan Horse virus is hidden it is harder to protect yourself or your company from them but there are things that you can do.

Trojan Horses are most commonly spread through an e-mail, much like other types of common viruses. The only difference being of course is that a Trojan Horse is hidden. The best ways to protect yourself and your company from Trojan Horses are as follows:

1. If you receive e-mail from someone that you do not know or you receive an unknown attachment never open it right away. As an e-mail use you should confirm the source. Some hackers have the ability to steal an address books so if you see e-mail from someone you know that does not necessarily make it safe.

2. When setting up your e-mail client make sure that you have the settings so that attachments do not open automatically. Some e-mail clients come ready with an anti-virus program that scans any attachments before they are opened. If your client does not come with this it would be best to purchase on or download one for free.

3. Make sure your computer has an anti-virus program on it and make sure you update it regularly. If you have an auto-update option included in your anti-virus program you should turn it on, that way if you forget to update your software you can still be protected from threats

4. Operating systems offer patches to protect their users from certain threats and viruses, including Trojan Horses. Software developers like Microsoft offer patches that in a sense “close the hole” that the Trojan horse or other virus would use to get through to your system. If you keep your system updated with these patches your computer is kept much safer.

5. Avoid using peer-2-peer or P2P sharing networks like Kazaa , Limewire, Ares, or Gnutella because those programs are generally unprotected from viruses and Trojan Horse viruses are especially easy to spread through these programs. Some of these programs do offer some virus protection but often they are not strong enough.

Besides these sensible precautions, one can also install anti-trojan software, some of which are offered free.

Methods of Infection

The majority of trojan horse infections occur because the user was tricked into running an infected program. This is why you're not supposed to open unexpected attachments on emails -- the program is often a cute animation or a sexy picture, but behind the scenes it infects the computer with a trojan or worm. The infected program doesn't have to arrive via email, though; it can be sent to you in an Instant Message, downloaded from a Web site or by FTP, or even delivered on a CD or floppy disk. (Physical delivery is uncommon, but if you were the specific target of an attack, it would be a fairly reliable way to infect your computer.) Furthermore, an infected program could come from someone who sits down at your computer and loads it manually.

Websites: You can be infected by visiting a rogue website. Internet Explorer is most often targeted by makers of trojans and other pests, because it contains numerous bugs, some of which improperly handle data (such as HTML or images) by executing it as a legitimate program. (Attackers who find such vulnerabilities can then specially craft a bit of malformed data so that it contains a valid program to do their bidding.) The more "features" a web browser has (for example ActiveX objects, and some older versions of Flash or Java), the higher your risk of having security holes that can be exploited by a trojan horse.

Email: If you use Microsoft Outlook, you're vulnerable to many of the same problems that Internet Explorer has, even if you don't use IE directly. The same vulnerabilities exist since Outlook allows email to contain HTML and images (and actually uses much of the same code to process these as Internet Explorer). Furthermore, an infected file can be included as an attachment. In some cases, an infected email will infect your system the moment it is opened in Outlook -- you don't even have to run the infected attachment.

For this reason, using Outlook lowers your security substantially.

Open ports: Computers running their own servers (HTTP, FTP, or SMTP, for example), allowing Windows file sharing, or running programs that provide filesharing capabilities such as Instant Messengers (AOL's AIM, MSN Messenger, etc.) may have vulnerabilities similar to those described above. These programs and services may open a network port giving attackers a means for interacting with these programs from anywhere on the Internet. Vulnerabilities allowing unauthorized remote entry are regularly found in such programs, so they should be avoided or properly secured.

A firewall may be used to limit access to open ports. Firewalls are widely used in practice, and they help to mitigate the problem of remote trojan insertion via open ports, but they are not a totally impenetrable solution, either.

More on trojans

Trojan Part 1

1.What is this text about?


In this text I'm going to explain you interesting things about

the trojans and about their future.I hope you'll realize that

trojans are dangerous and they're still big security problem although

many people say don't download files from the net and you won't get

infected which is not right.The main thing I want to explain here is

do the trojans have future and other interesting things about them.

This text is only for Windows based trojans not Unix one.


2.What Is A Trojan Horse?


A trojan horse is

-An unauthorized program contained within a legitimate program. This unauthorized

program performs functions unknown (and probably unwanted) by the user.

-A legitimate program that has been altered by the placement of

unauthorized code within it; this code performs functions unknown

(and probably unwanted) by the user.

-Any program that appears to perform a desirable and necessary

function but that (because of unauthorized code

within it that is unknown to the user) performs functions unknown

(and probably unwanted) by the user.

Trojans can also be called RAT's, or Remote Administration Tools.

The trojan got it's name from the old mythical story about how the greeks during

the war, gave their enemy a huge wooden horse as a gift.

They accepted this gift and they brought into their kingdom,

and during the night, greek soldiers crept out of the horse and attacked the city,

completely overcoming it.

3.Trojans Today


Trojans has always been big security problem even today.Most of the people

don't know what a trojan is and they keep downloading files from untrusted

sources or from suspicious people.Today there are more than 600 trojans on

the net that I know but I think there are many many more.Because every hacker or

programer today have it's own trojan made for his/her special needs and not

published anywhere.Every hacking group has also it's own trojans and programs.

When someone start learning winsock the first creating is chat client or trojan

horse.Even the anti-virus scanners I'll talk below people still get infected

by themselves,by some hacker or by some of your friends.


4.The Future Of Trojans


I think there're a lot of people out there that think the

trojans are outdated and they don't have future.Well I don't

think so.Trojans will always have future and new things added in

them.There are so many things that can be improved by skilled programers

in the trojans.

Trojans that COMPLETELY hide in the system and of course restart every time Windows is loaded

trojans that will lie every trojan and anti-virus program this is the future I think.

People that program trojans has a lot of ideas that makes their trojans unique.

These people start placing backdoors in ActiveX and who knows maybe in future they'll

find other sources they can place the trojans in.Programmers will always think of

new and unique trojans with functions never seen before.

Trojans are made every day by the programers with new options and with better encryption so

the Anti-Trojan software can't detect them.So noone knows how many are the trojans on the net.

But the programmers are still programming trojans and they will continue in the future.

Technically, a trojan could appear almost anywhere, on any operating system or platform.

However, with the exception of the inside job mentioned previously, the spread of trojans works

very much like the spread of viruses. Software downloaded from the Internet, especially shareware or freeware,

is always suspect. Similarly, materials downloaded from underground servers

or Usenet newsgroups are also candidates.There are thousand of programs with not checked source and new programs are appearing every day especially the freeware one so they can all be trojans.So be careful what you're downloading and from where you're downloading it. Always download software from the official page.


5.Anti-Virus Scanners


People think that when they have a virus scanner with the latest virus definitions

they're secure on the net and they can't get infected with a trojan or noone can

have access to their computer.This is NOT right.The purpose of the anti-virus

scanners is to detect not trojans but viruses.But when trojans became popular

the scanners started adding also trojan definitions.These scanners just can't

find the trojans and analyze them that's why they're just detecting the common

and the well know from everyone trojans like Back Orifice and NetBus and also

several other.As I told they're around 600 trojans I know out there and the

anti-virus scanners are detecting just a LITTLE part of them.

These scanners are not firewalls that will stop someone that want to connect

to your computer or try to attack you as people think they are.So I hope that

you understand that the main purpose of these scanners is not to detect

trojans and protect you while you're online.

Most of the internet users know only Back Orifice and NetBus as trojans.

There are some specific tools out there that clean ONLY from these trojans.

Again people think that they're secure and protected from every trojan.


6.How Can I get Infected?


Everyone ask this question and often people ask themselves how they got

infected.Also when someone ask them did they run some file send to them

by someone or downloaded from somewhere people always say they didn't

run anything or download some file but they did it.People just don't

pay attention to things they do online and that's why they forget

about the moment of the infection with the trojan.

You can get infected from many places and I'll try to explain

you these things here.

6.1 From ICQ

6.2 From IRC

6.3 From Attachment

6.4 Physical Access

6.5 Tricks-diskette

6.1 From ICQ

People think that they can't infect while they're talking via ICQ

but they just forget the moment when someone sends them a file.

Everyone knows how insecure ICQ is and that's why some people

are afraid of using it.

As you maybe know there's a bug in ICQ allowing you to send a .exe

file to someone but it will look as .bmp or .jpg or whatever you want

it to look like.This is very dangerous as you see and can get you in

trouble.The attacker will just change the icon of the file like

a BMP image,tell you it's a pic of him,rename it to photo.bmp

then you'll get it and of course before getting it you'll see that

it's .bmp and you're secure because the file is not executable.

Then you run it see the picture and you think there's nothing to

worry about but there is.

That's why most of the people say that they didn't run any files

because they know that they've run an image not executable.

A way to prevent this bug in ICQ is always to check the type of

the file before running it.It may has an BMP icon but if at the type

of the file is written executable I thin you know that it will be

mistake if you run that file.

6.2 From IRC

You can also get infected from IRC by receiving files from

untrusted sources.But I advice you always to be paranoid

and do not receive files from ANYONE even from your best

friend because someone may stolen his/her password

and infect you.Some people think that they can be 100% sure

that the other person is their friend when they ask him/her

something like a secret or something else that only he/she know

but as I told you be paranoid because someone may infect your friend

and just check his/her IRC logs and see what is this secret about or

learn other things.Be paranoid it's more secure as I say and do not

receive files from anyone on IRC or from somewhere else like

e-mail,ICQ or even your online friends.

6.3 From Attachment

The same thing goes about the e-mail attachments.NEVER run anything

even if it says you'll see hot porno or some passwords for server or

anything else.The best way to infect someone with a trojan is mass

e-mailing the server because there're new people on the net and

they'll of course get infected.This is the best way of infecting

as I said that's why it's preferred by the people that want to infect

the masses.

6.4 Physical Access

You can of course get infected by some of your "friends" when they

have physical access to your computer.Let's suppose you leave

someone on your computer just for 5 minutes,then of course you can

get infected by one of your "friends".There are some very smart people

out there that keep thinking of new ways of getting physical access

to someone's computer.Here are some tricks that are interesting:

1.You "friend" may ask you "Hey bro can you give me some water"

or something that will leave him alone.You'll go to take some

water and then........You know

2.The attacker may have a plan.Let's say you invited him/her

at 12:00 at your home and that attacker told one of your

"friends" to call the victim at 12:15 and start talking

about something with the victim.The attacker again have time

to infect you.

Also the "friend" that is calling you may say something like

"Is there anyone around you,if so move somewhere

else I don't want anyone to hear what we are talking about"

The attacker is again alone and have time to infect you.

6.5 Trick

This is one trick that may work on people that really

want something and the attacker knows what is it.

Let's say that the victim wants to watch some porno

or want xxx passwords,then attacker can just leave

a diskette with the trojan in the front of the victim's

house and put the trojan with some xxx pics of course.

This is bad things because sometimes if you really want

something and you finally found it you don't think about

anything else except to check it you.You again get infected.

I hope now you understand how you got infected the last time

(if you got infected of course).


7.How dangerous a trojan can be?


Many people that don't know what a trojan is

think that when they run an executable nothing

happened because their computer is still working

and all the data is there,if it was a virus

their data will be damaged and their computer will

stop working.

Someone is downloading and uploading files on your computer.

Someone is reading all of your IRC logs and learning

interesting things about you and your friends.

Someone is reading ALL of your ICQ messages.

Someone is deleting files on your computer.

These are some examples how dangerous a trojan can be.

There people that use trojans just to place virus

on the infected machine like CIH and destroy the machine.


8.Different Kinds Of Trojans


Remote Access Trojans


These trojans are the most popular trojans now.

Everyone wants to have such trojan because he

or she want to have access to their victim's hard drive.

The RAT'S (remote access trojans)are very

simple to use.Just make someone run the server

and you get the victim's IP and you have FULL

access to his or her computer.They you can

almost everything it depends of the trojan you use.

But the RAT'S have the common remote access trojan functions like:

keylogger,upload and download function,

make a screen shot and so on.Some people use the

trojans for malicious purposes.

They want just to delete and delete.This is lame.But a have a guide

about the best way to use a trojan.You should read it.

There are many programs out there

that detects the most common trojans,but new trojans are

coming every day and these programs are not the maximum defense.

The trojans do always the same things.

If the trojan restart every time Windows is loaded that

means it put something in the registry

or in win.ini or in other system file so the trojan can restart.

Also the trojans create some file in

the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.The file is always looking

to be something that the victim will think

is a normal WINDOWS executable.Most trojans hide

from the Alt+Ctrl+Del menu.This is not

good because there are people who use only this way to see

which process are running.There are programs

that will tell me you exactly the process and the

file from where it comes.Yeah but some trojans

as I told you use fake names and it's a little hard

for some people to understand which process

should they kill.The remote access trojans opens

a port on your computer letting everyone to connect.

Some trojans has options like change the port

and put a password so only the guy that infect you

will be able to use the computer.The change

port option is very good because I'm sure you

don't want your victim to see that port 31337 is open

on their computer.Remote access trojans are

appearing every day and they will continue to appear.

For those that use such trojans: BE CAREFUL

you can infect yourself and they the victim you

wanted to destroy will revenge and you'll be sorry.


Password Sending Trojans

The purpose of these trojans is to rip all cached

passwords and send them to specified e-mail

without letting the victim about the e-mail.

Most of these trojans don't restart every time Windows

is loaded and most of them use port 25 to

send the e-mail.There are such trojans that e-mail

other information too like ICQ number

computer info and so on.These trojans are dangerous if

you have any passwords cached anywhere on your computer.



These trojans are very simple.The only one thing

they do is to log the keys that the victim is pressing

and then check for passwords in the log file.

In the most cases these trojans restart every

time Windows is loaded.They have options

like online and offline recording.In the online recording

they know that the victim is online and

they record everything.But in the offline recording

everything written after Windows start is

recorded and saved on the victims disk waiting for

to be transferred.



The only one function of these trojans is to

destroy and delete files.This makes them very simple

and easy to use.They can automatically

delete all your .dll or .ini or .exe files on your computer.

These are very dangerous trojans and once

you're infected be sure if you don't disinfect your

computer information will no longer exist.


FTP trojans

These trojans open port 21 on your computer

letting EVERYONE that has a FTP client to connect

to your computer without password and will full upload and download options.

These are the most common trojans.They all are dangerous

and you should me careful using them.


9.Who Can Infect You?


Well basically you can get infected by everyone that know how

to use a trojan(it's VERY easy) and of course know how to infect you.

People that use trojans are wannabe hackers that are just at the stage

of using trojans.Some of these people don't move to the next stage

and they're lamers that can only use trojans and as I said it's VERY easy.

But after reading this text you'll know the most common ways that someone

can infect you with a trojan and it will be hard for the people using them

to infect you.


10.What Is The Attacker Looking For?


Some of you may think that trojans are used for damage only.

Well they can also be used to spy on someone's machine and

take a lot of private information from it.Wellthe common data an attacker looks

for would include but not limit to the following.

-----> Credit Card Information

-----> Credit Information

-----> Checking Account Information

-----> Any accounting data

-----> Data bases

-----> Mailing Lists

-----> Personal Addresses

-----> Email Addresses

-----> Account Passwords

-----> Home Office / Small Business Information

-----> Company Accounts / Subscribed for Services

-----> Resumes

-----> Email

-----> Any Company Information / Services He Can Access

-----> Your or spouse's first and last name

-----> Children's names / ages

-----> Your address

-----> Your telephone number

-----> Letters you write to people

-----> Email

-----> Your personal resume

-----> Your family pictures

-----> School work

-----> Any school accounts / information

wanna know moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Trojan Part 2

11.How The Trojans Works


Here I'll explain you how the trojans work.If you don't know some words

you can check the "Terms Used In The Text" section and read about them there.

When the victim runs the server it does functions like opening some specific port and listening

for connections.It can use TCP or UPD protocols.

When you connect with the victim IP the you can do what you want because the server let you do

the trojan functions on the infected computer.Some trojans restart every time Windows is loaded.

They modify win.ini or system.ini so the trojan can restart but most of the new trojans use the

registry so they can restart.

Trojans communicate like client and server.The victim runs the server,the attacker sends command

to the infected server with the client and the server is just following what the client "says" to it.


12.The Most Common Trojan Ports


Here's a list of the most common trojan ports:

Satanz Backdoor






Doly Trojan

Psyber Stream Server

Ultors Trojan

VooDoo Doll



Trojan Cow



Deep Throat

The Invasor

Phineas Phucker

Masters Paradise

Portal of Doom



Sockets de Troie

Sockets de Troie 1.x


Blade Runner

Blade Runner 1.x

Blade Runner 2.x






Remote Grab


NetMonitor 1.x

NetMonitor 2.x

NetMonitor 3.x

NetMonitor 4.x


Portal of Doom

Portal of Doom 1.x

Portal of Doom 2.x

Portal of Doom 3.x

Portal of Doom 4.x

Portal of Doom 5.x


Senna Spy

Progenic trojan

Hack?99 KeyLogger




Whack-a-mole 1.x



NetBus 2 Pro




Evil FTP

Ugly FTP


Back Orifice

Back Orifice


NetSpy DK



The Spy

Masters Paradise

Masters Paradise 1.x

Masters Paradise 2.x

Masters Paradise 3.x

Sockets de Troie


Remote Windows Shutdown



The tHing

NetBus 1.x

NetBus Pro 20034





Devil 1.03


Streaming Audio Trojan












Stealth Spy

Pass Ripper

Attack FTP


Fore, Schwindler

Tiny Telnet Server


Senna Spy Trojans








Prosiak 0.47











Psyber Streaming Server


Hackers Paradise

Doly Trojan


Shiva Burka

Remote Windows Shutdown


NetSpy DK

Hack?99 KeyLogger



Portal of Doom


Master Paradise

BO jammerkillahV


13.How Can I Monitor My Computer Without Scanner?


Again the masses think that when they have some

trojan scanner or anti-virus one they're secure.

Well the best way you can check for trojans is to do

it by your own.You're not sure is the trojan scanner

working correctly so start checking it alone.

In this text I've included one list of software and

reviews of course that will help you check your system

for trojans.

Well you always need to check which ports are opened on

your system and if you see that one of the common trojan

ports is open you're probably infected.


You can check that by typing "netstat"

in the MS-DOS prompt or use other software

that can do this for you


Always pay attention to which files are running on your

computer and check for something suspicious in it like

it's name.Well I think you'll check files like

config.EXE,himem.exe or winlilo.exe or other funny one.

Just Hex Edit them and if you find something interesting

like "SchoolBus Server" kill the running file.

Make sure you're monitoring your registry and check

every new change in it.Also be sure you monitor

system.ini or win.ini because there're still

trojans that restart from there.

And as I told you always download software like

ICQ,MIRC or some other well known program from

the official page.

Following these simple rules will help you

prevent your computer from getting infected.


14.Software To Help You Monitor Your Computer


As I told you I've included one list of software

that will help you monitor your computer and help

you prevent trojan infections.




Files and directories monitoring tool


Version: 1.3.4

Home page: http://www.geocities.com/koenigvad/Eng/

Author: Vadim Dumbravanu, koenigvad@yahoo.com

Log Monitor is a files and directories monitoring tool. The program

periodically checks selected file's modification time and executes

external program if file's time was changed or not changed. For

directories it handles such events as files change, addition or


Works under Windows 95/98/NT.

It's free for personal and business use. See LICENSE.TXT for

copyright information.

This file contains following topics:

1. Purpose

2. Usage

3. Some features

4. Installation

5. Uninstallation


The program is intended for different administrators using

automated processes. From time to time these processes stop working

or can even terminate abnormally. Sometimes processes create or

update error log-files. Log Monitor can watch over such processes

via their log-files and warn administrators about problems.

Users can watch over common network folders and see what happens

within their directories.


Most of automated processes track log-files, periodically updating

them. Accordingly, if such process will terminate abnormally,

log-files cease changing.

If the process did not update the log-file during selected

interval, Log Monitor runs an external program. It can be "net send

bla bla bla", or paging program, or process restart. Log Monitor

can run a program if the file was changed too, so you can check

error files for changes.

Log Monitor can also watch over directories and handle files

change, addition or removal events within directory tree.

Log Monitor can be used as a task scheduler. NT Scheduler Service

is uncomfortable if you need to run a task every hour for example.

Using Log Monitor you can add nonexisting file, then select

interval of 3600 seconds and the program. As long as the file does

not update, selected program will run every hour.

You can specify working time and days when program will be



- Several files or directories can be monitored simultaneously,

each file has its own interval and is processing in a separate


- A list of monitoring processes stores in the configuration file.

- Minimizes to the System Tray (and restores from it). ;)

- There is an ability to pause monitoring of selected files.

"Paused" state can be stored in the configuration file.

- Works on the schedule, can check files and directories only during selected time interval and days of week or month.

- Many other really beautiful things.




PrcView is a freeware process viewer utility that shows comprehensive

information about running processes. This information includes such

details as the creation time, version and full path for each DLL used

by a selected process, a list of all threads, memory blocks and heaps.

PrcVIew also allows you to kill and attach a debugger to a selected process.

PrcView runs on both Windows 95/98 and Windows NT platforms and includes

Windows and command-line version of the program.

This software is free and freely distributable on a non-commercial basis in the format

ORIGINALLY RELEASED (PrcView.zip) with the original Copyright clause.

The author expressly disclaims any warranty for this software. This software and

any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.

Distribution of the program or any work based on the program by a commercial

organization to any third party is permitted only with the written permission of the author

If you encounter a problem while running PrcView, please visit

http://www.teamcti.com to obtain the latest version. If you still have problems,

please send a short description to: IgorNys@writeme.com


XNetStat is a program like the "netstat"

command in the MS-DOS promt.The programs

shows you all of the open ports of your computer

and all of the established connections.

Mail fresh@arez.com if you want it

or have questions about it.




AtGuard is a nice firewall with some cool

features.It can also show you which file

opened a connection from your computer

that is VERY useful if you want to detect

some trojans on your machine.

I currently lost the URL for that program

but try searching altavista.com

or packetstorm.securify.com


-----ConSeal PC FIREWALL+


This software will help you to secure your PC.

It has some major advantages over other PC-based firewalls.

It is available on Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT

(3.51 & 4.0).

This is probably the best firewall for Windows machines

that will help you block trojans ports on your machine

and also against various D.O.S attacks.




This is really good anti-trojan package that detects

a LOT of trojans and other tools and also acts as a firewall,

protect you against nuke and ICQ attacks.It also

block file sharing so you won't have problems with it.

It's updated regulary with many new trojan definitions.

A must have for those of you that want to be protected

against attacks and trojan infections.

You can get it at http://www.lockdown2000.com




Trojan Defence Suite is also one very good

anti trojan package with a lot of functions and

plugins in it.It also detects probably all of

the trojans out there and is regulary updated.

A must have for those of you that want to be protected

against attacks and trojan infections.

You can get it at http://www.tds.diamondcs.com.au

Using all of these tools of course with the anti-trojan

packages will result in one SECURE against trojans

Windows machine so go and get them.

15.Placing BackDoors In Programs


The people that infect with trojans are becoming smarter.

They started placing the trojans in some real programs that

everyone is using so they can infect the victim.

Most of the people know that when they run a trojan

nothing will happen or an error message will apear,but

when the trojan is "joined" with another program

the program will work normally without any error messages

and the victim will think that he/she is not infected.

That's not right.Programmers made such programs that

just "join" two or more executables in one so they

can place the trojan in some programs that everyone

know about.

Such well known programs with open source are

also very dangerous.Good programmer may modify

the source and make it like a trojan so let's

say you're using modified e-mail client.As well

all know the password sending trojans use port 25

to send the e-mail with the information.How about

if the attacker modified the e-mail client to send

your e-mail password to him/her.You'll of course

see(if you're monitoring)that port 25 is open but

probably you won't pay attention because you're sending

e-mails and that's why the port is open.

As I said people are becoming smarter and smarter.

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